Nude Ground

got me higherAvete, Sui!

It feels like a long time since my last post on my blog. Sorry sorry sorry! But thanks guys, you for still visiting A Bit of Crispy Lust! whoaaa… xxx
I just relieved from illness last week and it was terrible. Looks like everybody has the same problem too with their healthiness, so let us just pray for the good condition for all of us and don’t forget to keep eating and eating and eating. hmmmmm….
On the last february, me and my friends (Faisal and Fuady) were did ‘a test-drive’ location for photo session and the result is TOTALLY AWESOME! I really love the location (in Liang Anggang), the SUPER BRIGHT and HOT Sun, and my skin who got tanner than before! kkrrrkkk!! -__-” (seriously i love ’em all!! :P)
Our project, TILIK is still striving and we keep try and try to put much gravity to it. I really hope you guys will follow us via:
wordpress blog: or twitter: @tilikbjm Continue reading